WIP Wednesday: June 17, 2015

I had itchy fingers today.  I’ve finished the Sand Tracks Scarf that was in last week’s WIP post.  Since it is a test knit, it will get its own post as soon as I can get some pictures.  That left me with only one WIP.  Hence the itchy fingers!  I want to cast on all the things.  I was hoping to cast on all the things today, but alas it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.  Tomorrow, maybe.  That leaves me with only the one WIP for today!

Raindrops on Roses Shawlette

I’m almost finished with the second lace repeat.  I’m bringing this project to knit night this evening and I’m hoping to finish it while I’m there.  I’ll definitely be finished by next week’s WIP Wednesday post, so stay tuned for a pile of new knits next week!

WIP Wednesday: June 10, 2015

For the last week, I’ve spent my crafting time working on the two test knits that I cast on last Wednesday.  Both projects traveled to Indiana and back.  On the way there, I knit on the shawl.  On the way home, I knit on the scarf.  I worked on them while I sat in Stacy’s office on Friday.  I worked on them as we drove to and from the Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival.  I’ve made great progress on both projects, and hope to finish both this weekend.

Sand Tracks Scarf

I love this project.  I love the yarn.  I love the pattern.  All the love!  I’m about 1/3 of the way into the second ball.


Raindrops on Roses Shawl

I’ve finished the first of three lace repeats.  I’m probably halfway through the shawl at this point.


WIP Wednesday: June 3, 2015

I’ve gotten a lot of crafting done this week!


Last Friday, I spent several hours spinning the Cormo while at a demo.  I started a new bobbin at the beginning of the event.  Here’s how it looked at the end of the event:


Heart Illusion Dishcloths

I’ve knit four more dishcloths this week.


Raindrops on Roses Shawl

I joined the Testing Pool group on Ravelry and signed up to do two test knits.  This is one of them.  It’s a top down shawl, stockinette with a lace border.  I’ve finished perhaps 1/4 of the stockinette section.


Sand Tracks Scarf

This is the second test knit.  It is a cabled scarf on a seed stitch background.  I’ve finished the garter stitch border and the first pattern repeat.  I think I’m really going to love this project.


WIP Wednesday: May 20, 2015

I’m working on three big yardage projects right now, and it feels like I’m making progress on all of them.  I love that feeling!

Super Secret Shawl

I’ve finished a total of 9 or 10 repeats of the pattern.



I wanted to finish this project before I went to India, but I ran out of yarn.  After I got back from India, I ripped back all the way through my last straight section and put the project back onto the needles.  This week I started knitting the decrease section again.


Cat Bed

Pepper spends her nights in my office, to keep her away from the other cats.  She’s fragile, they are bigger than her, and I’m afraid they might accidentally hurt her.  Her arthritis is bad enough that I don’t think she can get down the steps into the garage to get to the litter box.  I’ve left one bottom shelf of my bookcase empty because she likes to sleep in there.  I decided to make a felted sleeping pad for that space, to make it a more enticing sleeping spot.  I cast on about twice the width of the space and will knit about twice the length.  Since it’s just garter stitch, it is going fast.  I just cast on last Saturday night and I expect to be done knitting through 500 yards of yarn by tomorrow!


WIP Wednesday: May 6, 2015

It’s been another busy week of crafting!  Spending the entire weekend doing demos helped in that regard.  I worked slower than usual, since I was chatting with Festival attendees and regularly leaving my work aside to show an interested person how to weave on the floor loom, but I was there for so many hours that I got a lot done despite the frequent interruptions.

Super Secret Shawl

I only got 1/2 of a repeat done this week.  I will be bringing this project with me as travel knitting next week, and expect to get a great deal more finished.


Cormo Spinning

I spent most of Saturday spinning.  Three hours at my weekly spinning group followed by 5 hours spinning at the Festival of the Arts was enough time to spin at least half of the bobbin that is on my wheel (2.5 to 3 ounces).


Woven Doctor Who Scarf

On Saturday night, I tied this scarf on to my rigid heddle loom.  This evening I finished weaving it and it is currently soaking for wet finishing.