I usually have multiple projects going at once, but this week I’ve been pretty focused. It’s amazing how quickly a project works up when I concentrate on only one thing at a time!
WIP Wednesday
WIP Wednesday: October 8, 2014
It’s been 2 weeks since I posted my WIP Wednesday progress, and it’s a new month. Most of the WIPs in my last WIP Wednesday post have been completed, and new projects begun.
WIP Wednesday: September 24, 2014
I’ve got a lot of projects in process right now! I haven’t quite finished the ones I already had on the needles and I’ve started a few new projects.
WIP Wednesday, September 17, 2014
This morning I had a routine doctor’s appointment. After the appointment, I scheduled another appointment for October 1. The receptionist repeatedly said, “August 1,” even after I clarified that she meant October. This happened at least 3 times. It was confusing me, but at the same time I understand her perspective. How can it possibly be September? And halfway through September? And a Wednesday again? The good news is that I’ve gotten a lot of knitting done this week. Seven hours on a plane meant lots of progress on my socks. I can never sleep on a plane, and my seat was the only one in my visual range with the overhead light on for our red-eye home from San Francisco!
WIP Thursday: September 11, 2014
I’m in San Francisco this week, vacationing while Chris is attending a conference for work. I’m having a wonderful time exploring this city. I’ve been getting a little knitting done too!