I’m addicted to weaving. I love the rhythm of plain weave and how quickly I can see progress on a project. I have been keeping my loom clamped to the dining room table and throwing a few picks whenever I have a free 10 or 15 minutes. Even in a short time, I can see that I am getting closer to completion. It’s like instant gratification!
WIP Wednesday: October 8, 2014
It’s been 2 weeks since I posted my WIP Wednesday progress, and it’s a new month. Most of the WIPs in my last WIP Wednesday post have been completed, and new projects begun.
Blue Sky Rainbow Scarf
I love weaving! Yet again, as soon as I finished my last project (the Double Rainbow Scarf), I tied on a warp for my next project.
Double Rainbow Scarf
As soon as I finished my First Ever Weaving Project, I tied on the warp for my second project, a scarf. I finished the scarf last Friday and blocked it over the weekend.
WIP Wednesday: September 24, 2014
I’ve got a lot of projects in process right now! I haven’t quite finished the ones I already had on the needles and I’ve started a few new projects.