This is a test… And a confession

Yesterday, Chris moved all my website database to the new host.  I figured I would write a new post to make sure everything is working properly.  Good thing I did — turns out my theme broke when we moved to the new host, so I had to install a new one.  I have more work to do on visuals — the logo I was using was too big for this theme, so I cropped it.  I’d rather make a new logo to fit properly, once I decide if I’m sticking with this new theme.

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2015 Goals and Plans

I do not set crafting resolutions.  To me, the word “resolution” implies doing something drastically different than you had been doing before.  I’ve been a fiber crafter for a long time and that is not going to change.  Instead, I set goals and make plans.  Goals differ from resolutions in that goals are smaller, concrete, and incremental.  I already have a base of fiber crafting skills and I want to build on those skills.  There’s many things I have never done, especially with crochet, spinning, weaving, and dyeing as these are the skills that I have only acquired in the last two years.  Although I’ve been knitting for 20+ years, I spent many of those years knitting the kinds of projects where gauge is nearly irrelevant and so the list of things I have never done with knitting is longer than you might expect. I’m starting out the year by picking one or two skills to work on for each of the fiber crafts.

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