August 2014 Wrap Up

Since I’ve basically been on vacation for the last 3 weeks, I never posted a wrap up post for August!  HPKCHC break months are always a little odd for me.  I push hard to finish projects during term, and am glad to have a bit of a breather during the break month.  At the same time, I want to clean up anything left from the last term and prepare for the upcoming term.  This particular break month skewed more towards the taking a breather and less towards cleaning up and preparing!

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HPKCHC Fall 2014 Term

I did not do in-depth planning for the upcoming term, like I usually do during the break month.  We are two weeks into the term already.  I need a plan!  If you aren’t familiar with the Harry Potter Knit Crochet House Cup, or would like a reminder on how it works, visit my HPKCHC Spring 2014 Term blog post, which describes the game in detail.

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Autumnal Socks

When we moved to Florida, I thought I would miss having four seasons.  My husband said, “If you miss a season, we can always visit it.”  I’ve been living in Florida for 12 years now, and most of the time I do not miss seasons.  We haven’t taken a trip just to visit a season.  We actually get 3 seasons here, though ‘spring’ and ‘fall’ do not happen when I expect them.  We get fall-like weather in February.  I even get to see leaves change in February; the Crepe Myrtles in our back yard turn brilliant red and orange.  Still, September brings with it the expectation of changing colors, and when I look out my windows, everything is green.  So the autumn colorway of the socks I finished before we left for California made me particularly happy.

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First Ever Socks!

I finally finished my first ever socks.  Well, first ever adult-sized socks.  I made 4 minisocks a few years ago, but I have never made adult-sized socks or even a Christmas stocking before.  I started these socks in October 2013, and they have been sitting in my UFO (unfinished object) pile since November 2013, awaiting a new bind-off and afterthought heels.

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