The prompt for today is to take creative pictures. On this blog, I usually use straightforward pictures. However, I often take creative pictures of the pieces for fun or to include in homework submissions for the Harry Potter Knitting / Crochet House Cup. Professors often give bonus points for creative pictures! I decided to pull out some of my favorite pictures and share them with you today.
The Weasel of Wrath
In the fall of 2013, the Weasel of Wrath became a thing in Ravenclaw Tower. Every project I turned in that term included a picture of him and told a piece of a continuing story. The Headmistress Challenge that term was to write your own lyrics for a wrock song, with bonus points for recording it. I wrote lyrics, another member of Ravenclaw Tower recorded the vocals and instruments for me, and I put together a music video. The photos below are my favorites from that term.
I am a day late with my weekly status report! In addition to out-of-town guests at my house from Sunday through Wednesday, I was dealing with Pepper’s health emergency. She’s going to be okay, but it took three visits to the vet in as many days. As a result of the guest and the cat, I did no fiber crafting at all for the past few days. I was making progress before that, though.