Over the Martin Luther King, Junior weekend, five friends and I stayed in a condo right on the beach in Ponce Inlet, Florida. Another friend joined us just for the day on Saturday. It was glorious. We knit, we crocheted, we spun, we wove, we blocked, we discussed dyeing, we watched Marvel movies, we talked, we laughed. It was everything a knitting retreat with friends should be. Rather than give a long-winded description of this perfection, I offer you pictures. With captions, of course.
The view from our balcony.
The building we stayed in. If you look closely at the left hand side of the building, you might be able to pick out the red lounge chairs on our deck.
Lunch on Sunday. l to r: Lorelle, Fredi, Dawn, Nancy, Shellee, me.
Every fiber event should have a ball winding station!
Shellee was the only one of us who didn’t already know how to spin. Nancy gave Shellee her first spinning lesson!
Fredi set up her drum carder on the balcony, so any extra bits of fluff would blow away on the breeze.
Lorelle learned how to use the drum carder, and turned compacted roving into beautiful batts.
Nancy finished knitting this shawl 3 years ago, but wasn’t sure how to block the curved edges. Eight months ago, she gave it to me to block. I hadn’t done it yet, so I brought it to the retreat and we got it blocked!
I promise I actually did weave — the loom wasn’t just a handy fiber holder.
The speck in the water behind the third gull from the left is Lorelle. She was the only one of us brave enough to actually get in the water!
Lorelle’s in this picture also, pretty much smack dab in the middle of the shot.
Fredi, Nancy, and Shellee watching Lorelle swim.
We had a fantastic time, and none of us were quite ready to leave. But our lives called, so Monday we all packed up and headed home. But we’ve decided that this will be an annual event. MLK weekend = local fiber retreat every year!!
This happened when I got home. Apparently my cats missed me.