
Remember the Begonia Swirl Shawl that I knit last year?  Here’s what it looked like when I finished it.


I lent it to a friend to use as a head scarf, and she washed it before returning it to me.  She’s not a knitter and didn’t know enough to ask about the fiber content before washing.  She tossed it in the washer and dryer.  The results were, for knitters, predictable.


I’m not sure that she intentionally put the shawl in the washer and dryer.  It might have accidentally snuck into her laundry and she didn’t know until she was folding.  We haven’t talked about it.  I found the shawl in with some other things.  I was heartbroken at first, and couldn’t bring myself to ask.  I guess I don’t see the point of having this type of conversation.  She didn’t do it on purpose.  Hopefully, she’s learned to ask about fiber content before cleaning things.  What else is there to say?  Any time I start the conversation in my head, it sounds accusatory and guilt-inducing.  I see no value coming from that.  So I let it go.

My worse case scenario is that I get to knit this shawl again.  I don’t have enough of the yarn left to knit it in the exact same yarn, but it’s not like I’m lacking yarn — I have a stash that is 63 miles long and contains many appropriate options for reknitting this shawl.  The pattern was fun and not terribly difficult.  It took me less than six weeks to knit, even though I had other projects going at the same time.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the felted shawl.  For now, I’ve folded it and put it away in the drawer with my other shawls.  When I took the pictures for this blog post, the shawl reminded me of a Colonial-era collar, though of course that would have been white and not this bright blue.  I’m contemplating felting it a little bit more and drying it flatter or steaming to see if I can even out some of the wrinkles caused by the felting, then figuring out a way of using it as part of a costume.  I’ve never made a historical costume, but I have at least two fiber events (a Spin In hosted by the Saint Augustine Spinner’s Guild and a Weavers Guild of Orlando demo as part of a Shakespeare festival at a local high school) coming up where costumes are appropriate or expected.  Perhaps I’ll be able to find a way to use this shawl in its felted state!

4 thoughts on “Felted”

  1. I’m so sorry!! I know that feeling, or one similar: I made what I thought was a lovely felted bag for my best friend for the holidays several years back. Later, I wanted to get a few pics for my Ravelry page and when I asked if I could borrow it for pics, she told me she’d already given it away to Goodwill. I was heartbroken. 🙁 I hope you’re friend just didn’t understand what she was doing to that gorgeous piece.

  2. Looking at this just makes me want to cry. Kudos to you for keeping such a positive attitude about it. I hope she at least apologized when she returned it. Accident or not, that much is owed.

    That’s my first response to this very sad post. I’m sure she didn’t mean to felt it. And she probably feels mortified and very bad. Like Lise said above, it’s awesome that you are keeping such a positive attitude about it. Wishing you a cyber, fiber-y hug, Nin.

  4. Tears did come to my eyes! Such a beautiful shawl, so much work…. I do hope she has apologized, and you should KNIT ANOTHER ONE!!!! Unless it would make you feel sad to think about it, of course.


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